
Parenting Your
5-12 year old

Parenting can be tricky, but we’re here to give you some super helpful tips.

Tip #1: Listen and Talk

It’s important to listen to your child when they have something to say. Ask questions and have conversations with them. This helps them feel loved and important.

Tip #2: Set Rules and Be Consistent

Kids like to know what’s expected of them. Set clear rules and follow them. Be consistent with rewards and consequences. This helps them understand right from wrong.

Tip #3: Spend Quality Time

Make special time just for your child. Play games, read books, or go for a walk together. It makes them feel special and loved.

Tip #4: Be Patient

Sometimes kids make mistakes. That’s okay! Be patient and help them learn from their errors. Nobody’s perfect.

Tip #5: Show Love

Hugs, smiles, and kind words go a long way. Tell your child you love them every day. It makes them feel safe and happy.

Tip #6: Take Care of Yourself

Being a parent can be hard. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Taking care of yourself helps you be a better parent.

Tip #7: Talk About Feelings

Ask your child how they feel. Talk about their emotions. It helps them understand and manage their feelings.

Tip #8: Be a Good Role Model

Show your child how to be kind, honest, and respectful. They learn a lot from watching you.

Tip #9: Encourage Independence

Let your child try new things. It helps them grow and become confident.

Tip #10: Have Fun Together

Laugh, play, and have fun with your child. It creates happy memories.

We’re Here to Help!

If you ever need more help or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our clinic. We’re here for you and your family!

Remember, being a parent is an amazing journey. You’re doing great, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.